I love being creative.
This is my newest piece of art, and some other pieces I've done...
If you want one.. let me know! ;)

Excellence board I painted for Sierra: Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise...risking more than other thinks is safe...dreaming more than others think is practical..and expecting more than othes think is possible...

Sierra skating a mailbox

Angel painting I painted for my mom and dad.

Yeah.. my first attempt of a modern chandelier

Necklaces i made for my bridesmaides

Earrings I made for my bridesmaides
oioi..nå ble jeg imponert over deg hanne! så mange år som jeg har kjent deg og ikke visst om dette..bør jeg kommentere på engelsk kanskje..? haha. utrolig bra iallefall:)
klem fra beate
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