Got married 2 times already, but is still not legally married.. wow.. crazy life. :)
God is good though. We had the most amazing wedding in Fernie, and it was such a blessing to see a bunch of my family and GX family and friends there! It was truly the perfect day! so thankful.

So yeah, I'm here in Vancouver and I have a lot of time on my hands here.. I can't work here cause I don't have a work visa. And I will be going back to Norway in about a month and will hopefully finish my visa stuff for the US then - (please keep my visa in prayer)
But a lot of my time here has been alone, Sierra has been traveling quite a bit.. he has his first signature shoe coming out soon, so he has a lot going on. He is as I'm writing in Las Vegas for the Lost Vegas conference that a friend of us Ryan is hosting: EXITCONCERTS.COM
I have been spending lots of time in prayer and worship.
Right now I'm tuning in on THEPRAYERROOM.TV
It's from The International House of Prayer in KC where I would spend lots of my time as a staff with GX International. It is so so great! I would recommend everyone to sign up for a 24/7 prayer room online!
I'm reading a book called: The Challenge for Africa
and it has really opened my eyes to a lot. Fair trade is one of those things. I've been researching about it online. And wow. This is such an important cause. REALLY!
It lights something within me. I really want to make people aware of what's going on in the world - how important it is to do fair trade!
Make sure to ask if your coffee is fair trade the next time!
check out this link:
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