My Sabbath Year summer 2009 - summer 2010
This has been one of the weirdest years of my life.
I've been so busy the teen and early adult years of my life... from going straight from High-school into travelling fulltime with GX International from 2003 til 2009 and part-time studying. I've been so busy.
But since the whole Visa thing happened I have kind of felt a littlebit of a hold on my life. I've been more in the Word than ever before. I've learned to rest and to be content with just being and having intimacy with Jesus first and foremost. And also learning to serve my husband.
At first I was frustrated feeling like I couldn't plan anything because I had no idea what was gonna happen with my visa... I planned and planned, but things just didn't work out how I planned it.
Now looking back and being on my way out og this sabbath year I am seeing Gods hand on it all. Isn't that just how it always is? You don't always see why when you're right in it and you have to learn just how to trust God. And then later you see how His purpose is for your good and to teach you something important to mold you into loving Jesus more and being more like Him.
I was reading in Leviticus 26 about the Sabbath year and God spoke to my Spirit about how the things I have learned this year has been so important, and how I would not have rested and probably kept going strong.. touring and working.. studying...being newly married and gotten so burnt out that I wouldn't be good for anything.
Haha... God knows me so well...
He had to force me to rest. - and also blessing me with some good quality time with my new husband.
It's not always been just good and fun it's been challenging...
now I am getting so pumped about getting going hard again!
Great things are happening... and God has showed me some new doors, and I am so excited to see where He is gonna take me.. Let's just say that He has given me a vision for something so different than I would have thought..and I can't wait to get it going!!!
I have an exam in June in Norway..and then in July... I have a feeling some GREAT things are gonna start! and I feel so ready for it.. I learned to listen to God and just studying His word sooo much this year, and I am pumped to start applying what I have learned and start serving and working hard again!
I think a Sabbath year is needed for anyone who is a traveler... evangelist and visionary.. to get refocused and to listen to God...
I am so thankful for this year and I can't wait to get going!!!!!!
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