We finished helping with the GX bootcamp which was so awesome.. it was long days with dancing from mornings til late evening.. and a week of seeing nothing but the walls of a dancestudio.
But the GX family fellowship is so amazing. It really makes me so thankful to be a part of such a great ministry!
God is doing so much within people and through people. The team has done some street stuff.. where we go out and talk with the local people. Just love on them and tell them about a living God. The team has really been getting such love for the people here. It's amazing to see!
Please keep GX in prayer as they are doing shows this coming weekend and the next 2 weekends!
Me and Sierra were here mainly for the bootcamp, and that is all.. we were hoping to go back to norway and finish the visa stuff so that I can go to the states for thanksgiving and finally start our life there. But we haven't heard anything from the embassy yet.
I am getting so impatient... please please be praying for my visa!
Sierra has been busy skating and filming. He hurt his knee a bit.. so please pray for His healing. He has a ten-page interview with The skateboard mag just out in stores now! He was a bit bummed on how it was edited.. making him sound a bit humanistic instead of what he was saying about having a relationship with God... But the skateboard industry doesn't really let you read your interview before they publish it.. so there wasn't any way to change it.. He is just praying that kids will research his name more to know that He does have faith in God... But all around the interview is really good.. and Sierra is hyped!
Lately since being so impatient.. I have been a bit frustrated with God. But then He speaks to me again and again about how blessed I am and me and Sierra are to be living the lives we are right now. We are at a hotel on the beach right now.. our last night here... we can hear the waves, and see the palmtrees right outside our window..
But not only that.. I have so many things to be thankful for... really!
God is showing me so much of everything He's given me and also showing me His heart for people. People all around the world..
Well.. this was a quick little update on me/us