Det er rart hvordan Gud knekker oss naa som bootcamp er i gang. Han former oss..og det gjor vondt. Jeg tror alltid at jeg har roen, men saa viser Gud meg igjen aa igjen at jeg er en sliter. Jeg har saa mye aa strekke meg etter, og det er toft naar en foler seg elendig. Men Gud er der.... Ville bare si til deg, Tone... GRATULERER MED DAGEN!! DU ER BEST!
I'm so thankful for everything God has given me...He is everything to me. It's so exciting serving a living God! He always has my back..when life is good and when it's hard.. even when I mess up bigtime.. I am always loved nomatterwhat. It's so amazing...and I also know I'm so undeserved of His love..but it has and will always be there...that gives me a joy and a peace that is so much more than I can express with words. WORD!!!!
And offcourse if I care about those around me it's natural that I would want them to know and feel the same peace and love... so that's what I've dedicated my life to. I know I fail at times, (I'm only human) but it's my hearts desire to share what I believe is the best thing EVER! I still care for people that has chosen not to believe what I believe. And I'm down to be friends with anyone.. nomatter what they believe... I Love to dance and hang Norway, love the States, and pretty much the whole world... I say.. seek truth and you will find it!
takk:) du æ en utrulig gode venn!
bffe. stå på.
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