Saturday, October 29, 2005
About Me
- Name: Hanne
- Location: Long Beach, California, United States
I'm so thankful for everything God has given me...He is everything to me. It's so exciting serving a living God! He always has my back..when life is good and when it's hard.. even when I mess up bigtime.. I am always loved nomatterwhat. It's so amazing...and I also know I'm so undeserved of His love..but it has and will always be there...that gives me a joy and a peace that is so much more than I can express with words. WORD!!!! And offcourse if I care about those around me it's natural that I would want them to know and feel the same peace and love... so that's what I've dedicated my life to. I know I fail at times, (I'm only human) but it's my hearts desire to share what I believe is the best thing EVER! I still care for people that has chosen not to believe what I believe. And I'm down to be friends with anyone.. nomatter what they believe... I Love to dance and hang Norway, love the States, and pretty much the whole world... I say.. seek truth and you will find it!

GX intl video:
Sierra's testimony:
Fair trade:
my new church - in L.A california:
my heart aches for the favelas of Brasil:

Me and Dereka:

- Saron, my church back home
- GX International
- Hanne @ myspace -join u 2!
- GX myspace
- Sierra's myspace
- Circa (Sierra's sponsor)
- Sierra intervju (gammelt)
- GX Brasil
- Rachael Lampa
- Untitled Skateboards
- Skjærgårds music and mission
- Eternalriders
- Foundationskateboards Sierra's board sponsor
- Boarders for Christ
- -Breakdance - Style 2 Oouf
- Breakdance
- Telenor
Previous Posts
- Samvittighet
- Flotte jenter....
- Sjå fyge...
- GX Texas... for et bra team, og ja, jeg savner dere!!
- Evangelisering... finnes det en rett måte, bedre m...
- I dag er det 20 år siden jeg kom til mor og far, o...
- Livsglede kunstutstilling på Bryne
- mormor å morfar e på besøg... det e kjekt
- Heskje e gudd!
- Gode kamerata... ke sko eg gjort uden dokke??

du slide! ;) hahaha..
haha... Lars, eg vett det e deg!!
om du spionere?!
slidar 2.
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